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Now offering a limited small batch of Formula 003 - Full Moon in Gemini.

This intentionally cratfed batch gives you an opportunity to address and reassess the parts of us that we’ve been avoiding. Full moons are often a time for “shedding light” on our shadow parts and giving ourselves the opportunity to release anything that no longer serves us on our pathway forward. As the full moon will also be ruled by the sign of Gemini, the sign of the twins, it will be full of chatty, curious, and fast-paced energy. 


Utilize Formula 003 - Full Moon in Gemini to assess the following questions:


  • Where am I spending my energy that no longer feels good, and can I bring back some of that energy to myself?
  • Do I have a balanced approach to my alone time and my social time?
  • Where have my opinions become too rigid?
  • Can I become more open-minded?
  • How can I prepare myself for the goals that I have?
  • What is one small action step that I can take toward my goal(s)?




Solo 7 disponible(s)
  • NOTE: Please allow 12-28 business days for shipment. These small batch tinctures are intentionally handcrafted and ritually blessed before being poured, packed, and shipped. There are no cancellations of this order after purchase! 

  • Always consume with intention.

    Speak into the bottle (with emotion) and tell it what & how much you want to release. 

    This is for use in those times when your entire energy body needs to be reset, cleansed, and reimbued with the power to attract, magnetize attention, and make the moves that set you forward.



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